Token Details

1 Billion token supply = 1500 Bigfoot NFT's
1 NFT = 666,666 $BIG

Swap Mechanics

$BIG -> NFT - 10% tax
Approx. 733,333 $BIG needed to swap into NFT

NFT -> $BIG - 15% tax
Approx. 566,666 $BIG received after taxes

Royalties on NFT sales - 10%
Tradeable on Magic Eden, Tensor and Sol Sniper

All taxes go to the RWA funding wallet

  • Brown (Common): 50-60%

    750-900 NFTs

    Brown remains the most common, making it widely accessible.

    Brown (Common):
  • Green (Uncommon): 15-20%

    225-300 NFTs

    Green becomes the next most available trait, still relatively rare.

  • Black (Rare): 10-15%

    •150-225 NFTs

    Black will have more exclusivity, making it highly sought-after.

  • White (Very Rare): 5-8%

    75-120 NFTs

    White now becomes extremely rare, significantly increasing its value.

  • Red (Legendary): 1-3%

    15-45 NFTs

    Red remains the legendary trait, maintaining ultra-scarcity.

  • Fall: 23.75%

  • Winter: 23.75%

  • Spring: 23.75%

  • Summer: 23.75%

  • Night(Legendary) : 1-5%